Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Previous Question paper (Jan-2008) Entrepreneurship and project Management: (End term)

Entrepreneurship and project Management:
1.Answer as stated: (10*1)

1.1 Some of the characteristics features of a project are
unity in diversity and high level of subcontracting
risk and uncertainity
only a
only b
both a and b

1.2 Project communication and clean up technique involve
control room
computerized information systems
only a
only b
both a and b

1.3 Which of the following are not secondary data?
population data
Industry survey report
Project manager daily report
Financial report of a company

1.4 Project process is a part of
a.Project management process
b.product oriented process
c.only a
d.only b
e.either a or b

1.5 SIDBI is not a part of RBI.(t/f)

1.6 Incentives and subsidies are the same types of facilities offered by various states and central government(t/f)

1.7 Geographically,entrepreneurs are classified as
Non resident Indian
Only a and b
All the above

1.8 SISI and NSIC are ………..organizations

1.9 In India SSI units are defined by
a. no.of workers
b. sales turnover
c. investment in planting machinery
d. only c
e. only a

1.10 The whole system of financing of SSI is coming under
a. Khadi and village sectors
b. Priority sectors
c. Handloom and handicraft sectors
d. Non priority sectors

2.Answer the following short questions (5*2)

2.1 what is time values of money?
2.2 why cash/credit and bill discounting facilities are important?
2.3 why working capital cycles are expressed in no. of days?
2.4 Is there any difference b/w risk and uncertainity of a project?
2.5 Name four important steps of starting a small scale unit.

3. “Project feasibility is a complex issue which involves appraisal of all aspects of starting a business” what are aspects required to be analyzed? Elaborate with examples(10)

4.1 what is EMI ?how does it differ from equal monthly installment mode of payment?calculate the EMI of a personal loan from the given data: (5)

Price of the computer with accessories………Rs. 1 lakh
Owners’s Margin……………………………..15 %
Interest on loan……………………………….12 % p.a
Period of repayment…………………………..4 yrs
Given:Discount rate for whole period is 3.037

4.2 why project audit is important in project?(5)

5.1 Name the various sources of funds(with small illustration)which are required for long term and short term requirements of a project?(5)

5.2 A company is considering the following investment project : (5)
Project/yr ICO YR1 YR2 YR3
A 20000 20000 - -
B 20000 15000 15000 -

C 20000 4000 8000 24000
D 20000 20000 6000 6000

Rank the project by NPV at 10% and 30 % taking the following data

PVIF at 10 % PVIF at 30 %
YR1 0.909 0.769
YR2 0.826 0.592

YR3 0.751 0.455
YR4 0.683 0.352
PVIF is present value interest factor

6.1 what is the rationale of graphic representation of project activities and network analysis project implementation?(5)

6.2 “The problems of SSI units are arising not from the institutional support but from entrepreneurial short comings in envisaging problems at the techno-commercial feasibility stage”.do you agree?critically explain.(5)

1.1 Is project scheduling a part of economic appraisal?How MIS can help in project scheduling?justify?(5)

1.2 What are the steps being taken for promoting women entrepreneurs in India?do you think they are significant ?Narrate with examples.(5)

8.Case study(10)

Disclaimer: Questions posted from previous year question papers.Mistakes are not ruled out.Refer Library for correct format and case studies.These questions are posted to give students a feel and idea of real examination,there will be no liability on the part of author if any or some of these questions are repeated in future examinations.