Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Previous Question paper(2007):Corporate and business Laws:(Mid term)

Corporate and business Laws: (Mid term)

Section A (2*10)
1.Continuing guarantee
4.Voidable Contract
5.Novation of Contract
6.Bill of exchange
7.Promissory note
8.Actionable claim
9.Sale vs hire purchase.
10.Contract of indemnity

Section B (5*8)
1.All contracts are agreements but all agreements are not contracts.Comment
2.Explain the classification of contracts on the basis of their enforceability.
3.Differentiate between coercion and undue influence.
4.Mere silence as to the facts is not a fraud.Comment
5.What are the essential elements of a valid consideration ?Give suitable examples.
6.Distinguish between a sale and an agreement to sell.
7.Explain the term ‘Goods’ as defined in the sale of goods act.1930.
8.Distinguish between a bill of exchange and a cheque.
9. ‘A delegate cannot further delegate’.Comment.
10.Bring out the essential characteristics of a promissory note.
11.Write a note on bouncing of cheques with suitable examples.
12.Distinguish between a contract of indemnity and contract of guarantee.

Section C (10*4)

1.State the rights and obligation of a bailee.

2. a. write short note on rights of a surety.

b. X,executed a mortgage in favour of Y,a minor who has advanced the this mortagage valid?

3.Discuss the essential elements of a valid consideration.Explain the rule ‘No consideration-No contract’

4.Discuss the common features of a promissory note,Bill of exchange and cheque.

5.State the legal position of contracts with person disqualified by law.

6. ‘A stranger to consideration can sue but stranger to contract can not sue’.comment.

Disclaimer: Questions posted from previous year question papers.Mistakes are not ruled out.Refer Library for correct format and case studies.These questions are posted to give students a feel and idea of real examination,there will be no liability on the part of author if any or some of these questions are repeated in future examinations.