Entrepreneurship : need, scope , Entrepreneurial competencies & traits, Factors affecting entrepreneurial development, Entrepreneurial motivation (Mc Clellend’s Achievement motivation theory), conceptual model of entrepreneurship , entrepreneur vs. intrapreneur; Classification of entrepreneurs; Entrepreneurial Development Programmes- their relevance and achievements, Role of government in organizing such programmes, Women Entrepreneurs : Present status in India ; steps being taken for their promotion.
Small Business : Concept & Definition, Role of Small Business in modern Indian Economy, Small entrepreneur in International business; Steps for starting a small industry, registration as SSI, Role of SIDBI; advantages and problems of SSIs; Institutional Support mechanism in India; Incentives & Facilities, Govt. Policies for SSIs
Project: Definition, characteristics, types, steps in identification of projects, project life-cycle. Project management: meaning, scope & importance, role of project manager; Project appraisal: Preparation of a real time project feasibility report containing Technical appraisal,; Environmental appraisal, Market appraisal (including market survey for forecasting future demand and sales) and Managerial appraisal.
Project Financing: project cost estimation & working capital requirements, sources of funds, capital budgeting, Risk & uncertainty in project evaluation , preparation of projected financial statements viz. Projected balance sheet, projected income statement, projected funds & cash flow statements, Preparation of detailed project report, Project finance.
Implementation of projects: Graphic Representation of Project Activities, Network Analysis, Management & control of projects, Project scheduling, MIS in project, problems of project implementation, project audit.
Text Books:
Entrepreneurship : need, scope , Entrepreneurial competencies & traits, Factors affecting entrepreneurial development, Entrepreneurial motivation (Mc Clellend’s Achievement motivation theory), conceptual model of entrepreneurship , entrepreneur vs. intrapreneur; Classification of entrepreneurs; Entrepreneurial Development Programmes- their relevance and achievements, Role of government in organizing such programmes, Women Entrepreneurs : Present status in India ; steps being taken for their promotion.
Small Business : Concept & Definition, Role of Small Business in modern Indian Economy, Small entrepreneur in International business; Steps for starting a small industry, registration as SSI, Role of SIDBI; advantages and problems of SSIs; Institutional Support mechanism in India; Incentives & Facilities, Govt. Policies for SSIs
Project: Definition, characteristics, types, steps in identification of projects, project life-cycle. Project management: meaning, scope & importance, role of project manager; Project appraisal: Preparation of a real time project feasibility report containing Technical appraisal,; Environmental appraisal, Market appraisal (including market survey for forecasting future demand and sales) and Managerial appraisal.
Project Financing: project cost estimation & working capital requirements, sources of funds, capital budgeting, Risk & uncertainty in project evaluation , preparation of projected financial statements viz. Projected balance sheet, projected income statement, projected funds & cash flow statements, Preparation of detailed project report, Project finance.
Implementation of projects: Graphic Representation of Project Activities, Network Analysis, Management & control of projects, Project scheduling, MIS in project, problems of project implementation, project audit.
Text Books:
1. Kenneth R., Van Voorthis, Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management.
2. Prasanna Chandra , Projects : Planning, Analysis, Selection, Implementation & Review , Tata McGraw Hill
Reference books:
1. C.B. Gupta & N.P. Srinivasan, Entrepreneurial Development.
2. P.Gopala Krishnan & V.E Rama Moorthy , Project Management, MacMillan India
3. Maylor, Project Management
Disclaimer: The syllabus are subject to continual changes.Some of the content may have been changed.