Management: Definition, nature, purpose and scope of management, Skills and roles of a Manager, functions, principles; Evolution of Management Thought: Scientific Management, Management by Objectives, Management by exception; Styles of management: (American, Japanese and Indian), McKinsey’s 7-S Approach, Self Management, Management and Society.
Planning: Types of plans, planning process, Characteristics of planning, Traditional objective setting and Managing by Objectives, Strategic Management, premising and forecasting; Decision-Making: Process, Simon’s model of decision making, creative problem solving, group decision making.
Organizing – Organizational design and structure, Coordination, differentiation and integration, span of management, centralization and de-centralization, Delegation, Authority & power - concept & distinction, Line and staff organizations.
Coordination: Concepts, issues and techniques
Controlling: Concept, planning-control relationship, process of control, Types of Control, Control Techniques
Staffing: Human Resource Management and Selection, Performance appraisal and Career strategy, Managing Change.
Leading: Human Factors and Motivation, Leadership, Communication, Teams and Team Work.
Text Books:
1. Stoner, Freeman and Gilbert, Management, Prentice Hall of India
2. Robbins, S.P and Mary Coulter, Management, Prentice Hall of India
Reference Books:
1. Koontz, Harold and Weihrich, Heinz, Essentials of Management, Tata McGraw Hill
2. Kreitner, Robert, Management, A.I.T.B.S Publishers
3. Koontz, Harold and Weihrich, Heinz, Management-A Global Perspective, Tata McGraw Hill
Management: Definition, nature, purpose and scope of management, Skills and roles of a Manager, functions, principles; Evolution of Management Thought: Scientific Management, Management by Objectives, Management by exception; Styles of management: (American, Japanese and Indian), McKinsey’s 7-S Approach, Self Management, Management and Society.
Planning: Types of plans, planning process, Characteristics of planning, Traditional objective setting and Managing by Objectives, Strategic Management, premising and forecasting; Decision-Making: Process, Simon’s model of decision making, creative problem solving, group decision making.
Organizing – Organizational design and structure, Coordination, differentiation and integration, span of management, centralization and de-centralization, Delegation, Authority & power - concept & distinction, Line and staff organizations.
Coordination: Concepts, issues and techniques
Controlling: Concept, planning-control relationship, process of control, Types of Control, Control Techniques
Staffing: Human Resource Management and Selection, Performance appraisal and Career strategy, Managing Change.
Leading: Human Factors and Motivation, Leadership, Communication, Teams and Team Work.
Text Books:
1. Stoner, Freeman and Gilbert, Management, Prentice Hall of India
2. Robbins, S.P and Mary Coulter, Management, Prentice Hall of India
Reference Books:
1. Koontz, Harold and Weihrich, Heinz, Essentials of Management, Tata McGraw Hill
2. Kreitner, Robert, Management, A.I.T.B.S Publishers
3. Koontz, Harold and Weihrich, Heinz, Management-A Global Perspective, Tata McGraw Hill
Disclaimer: The syllabus are subject to continual changes.Some of the content may have been changed.