Product Concepts: Product Mix concepts, Product Classification. Product Planning: Marketing Plan, Portfolio Analysis, Market Potential and forecasting
Product Market Strategies. Product Life Cycle: Product Life Cycle Stages and corresponding Strategies, Product Evaluation
Product Positioning: Concept, Product Differentiation, Positioning Strategies, Preference Analysis, Benefit Segmentation
New Products: New Product Categories, Organization for Product Management,, prototyping, New Product Development Process, test marketing
Understanding Brands: Brands Vs Products, Benefits of branding; Brand attributes, Significance of branding to consumers & firms, selecting brand names
Brand Awareness-Types of Brand Awareness, Brand Image- Types of Associations, Brand Identity, Brand Personality, Brand Positioning, Creating Core Brand Values; Bringing Brand to life: Growing, sustaining Brand equity- Customer Based Brand Equity, Sources of Brand Equity; Managing Brands: Building Branding Strategies, Brand Extensions, Brand Licensing and Franchising, Global Branding.
Text Books:
1. C.Merle Crawford ,New Product Management
2. Donald Lehmann, Product Management, Tata Mac Graw Hill
3. Keller, Kevin Lane, Strategic Brand Management : Building, Measuring and Managing Brand Equity
Reference Books:
1. Urban, Hauser, and Dholakia, N. Essentials of New Product Management
2. Murphy, John, Brand Strategy, Cambridge, The Director Books
3. Nichololas Ind, Living the Brand
Product Concepts: Product Mix concepts, Product Classification. Product Planning: Marketing Plan, Portfolio Analysis, Market Potential and forecasting
Product Market Strategies. Product Life Cycle: Product Life Cycle Stages and corresponding Strategies, Product Evaluation
Product Positioning: Concept, Product Differentiation, Positioning Strategies, Preference Analysis, Benefit Segmentation
New Products: New Product Categories, Organization for Product Management,, prototyping, New Product Development Process, test marketing
Understanding Brands: Brands Vs Products, Benefits of branding; Brand attributes, Significance of branding to consumers & firms, selecting brand names
Brand Awareness-Types of Brand Awareness, Brand Image- Types of Associations, Brand Identity, Brand Personality, Brand Positioning, Creating Core Brand Values; Bringing Brand to life: Growing, sustaining Brand equity- Customer Based Brand Equity, Sources of Brand Equity; Managing Brands: Building Branding Strategies, Brand Extensions, Brand Licensing and Franchising, Global Branding.
Text Books:
1. C.Merle Crawford ,New Product Management
2. Donald Lehmann, Product Management, Tata Mac Graw Hill
3. Keller, Kevin Lane, Strategic Brand Management : Building, Measuring and Managing Brand Equity
Reference Books:
1. Urban, Hauser, and Dholakia, N. Essentials of New Product Management
2. Murphy, John, Brand Strategy, Cambridge, The Director Books
3. Nichololas Ind, Living the Brand
Disclaimer: The syllabus are subject to continual changes.Some of the content may have been changed.