On getting the topic:
1.Understand your topic well. If in any kind of doubt ask your teacher. This is the most basic mistake a student does ,no one actually bothers to inquire it from the teacher. Because students should know what the teacher actually demands from the assignment.
2. Write down the due date. When your teacher first tells you when the assignment will be due, write that date down. Having this date will help to keep you on track. Nothing is worse than forgetting that date, only to have your teacher remind you that the assignment is due tommorow.
3.At LPU you will get minimum of 15 days to complete an assignment although it may vary as per the teachers ,but you will atleast get 7 days for all written assignments.
4. Start working on the assignment that day only on which you get it. Because in the mean time you will get assignments from all the subjects with more or less the same submission dates. So, you yourself will contribute to the work load if you delayed your work. (It is general hobby among students to waste first 14 days and work on the assignment on the last day, Avoid it plz.)
Writing the assignments:
1.Break the assignment into chunks. Once you know the due date, you can break this assignment into chunks and work on a section each week. For example, one week you could gather your information and go over it. The next week you could make notes,build an outline and rough draft etc. This really makes writing your assignment much easier.
2.Gather your information. After getting your topic you will need to gather information on that topic. One of your best sources is the internet (Mr.Google Sharma ,the most efficient helping hand for students), but you will also find great books in your library. Use several different sources so that you have enough information to write your research paper.
3.Avoid copy paste: Teachers at LPU are very strict if they find copy paste material from the internet as it is in the assignments. So, whatever you write atleast write it in your own words or write refrences at the end if you have taken it from some website etc.
1.First page should contain name of the topic and subject along with your name and roll number. Also write Submitted To: Submitted By: It is preferred to write the Name of Lovely school of Business, LPU on the front page.
2.The second page should include the Index ,List of tables, list of Abbreviations if any.Don’t forget to write the page numbers of the topics.
3.Third Page generally contains Introduction to the topic or company as per the topic. It is preferred to have intro of 1-2 pages only . In long Assignments it is preferred to write a brief summary of the actual work done.
4.The next section should ideally include the objectives which are covered in the assignment, Research methodology if any.
5.Now not more than 5-6 pages of actual work done on the topic.
6.Write references at the end. Include exact(complete) addresses of websites and books referred.
7.Limit total pages of assignment to minimal. Include only relevant material in the assignment.
Disclaimer: These are only suggestions, the evaluation and pattern of writing assignments may vary as per teachers.These suggestions may or may not be the sole criterion for getting good marks.