1.Concepts and Perspectives on Human Resource Management: Evolution of HRM, HRM Policies & Principles, Systems Approach to Human Resource Management; Relationship of HR department with other departments.
2.Environment of HRM – Internal & External forces affecting the HR Function
3.Human Resource Planning – The process, Its link with Strategic Planning and Strategic human resource management (SHRM), Rightsizing the enterprise: Practical illustrations from Public & private sector.
4.Change in traditional HR processes through e-HRM
Human Resource Information System (HRIS)
5.Job analysis : Methods , use, limitations of job descriptions, dejobbing
Job redesign, An overview of Job Carving.
6.Recruitment: The sources, e-Recruitment, developing an application blank, screening the application blank, pros & cons of outsourcing this function.
7.Selection : The process, the testing instruments, innovations in employee selection
8.Induction & Placement
9. Training and Development : The process, Training Need Identification methods, Methods of training & development and their critical appraisal, Evaluating training effectiveness, New approaches to employee training, Outsourcing training : the pros & cons, Overview of Succession Planning.
10.Performance Appraisal : The Process, The methods , Performance Management vs. appraisal, Potential Appraisal , current trends in performance appraisal
11.Compensation Management: Job Evaluation, Wage & Salary Determination; Salary Structure (focus on contemporary methods); Incentive Schemes, Employee Benefit Schemes & Assistance Programmes, Flexi-time, organizational reward system, An overview of Cafeteria Pay Package.
12. Change management, Knowledge Management, Career Planning, Mentoring, Quality of Work Life.
13.Industrial Relations: Introduction to IR ; Industrial disputes : the causes & machinery for dispute resolution (Industrial Disputes Act 1947) , Grievance Redressal Mechanism
Collective Bargaining, Worker’s Participation in Management
Discipline & Disciplinary Action
14.Employee Health and Safety Management – Introduction to the statutory & voluntary measures.
15.An overview of social security measures in India
16.The key challenges for HRM: employee retention, performance management, Managing a diverse workforce, the role of HRM in Mergers & acquisitions, employee empowerment, HRM in global organisations: Managing Expatriates and Repatriates.
1. Ivancevich, Human Resource Management, Tata McGraw Hill.
Additional Readings:
1. Ch. 3,17,20,23,24,27 of Aswathappa K, Human Resource and Personnel Management, Tata Mc Graw Hill.
2. Ch. 1,3,15,16,17 0f Dessler, Gary, Human Resource Management, Pearson Education.