Modern Smal Business Enterprises:concept and definition SSI, SME & further broadening to mSMEs In Indian context, Broad Categories-Family business vis a vis first generation entrepreneurship, importance of improving performance in both the categories by better management;Government policy and vevelopment of SMEs ; Problems & prospects of SMEs in prevailing market-driven economy;
Impact of WTO on SSI units/ mSMEs---its significance to internationalise mSMEs
Women Entrepreneurship---Environment, challenge and strategies for development ; Gramin Bank as SHG model of grassroot-entrepreneurship; Profiles of successful women entrepreneurs.
Setting up a SME unit---how to identify business opportunities in various sectors,formalities of setting Small business unit and importance of business plan.
Strategic Management in SMEs--- Organisational life cycle and reknewal cycle; Importance of strategic Planning- outlines, steps and benefits Personality traits of entrepreneur : Decision making,risk taking, leadership and managing time & resources
Financial management : Working capital management, Accounting & Book-keeping, Financial Statements,Importance of financial ratio analysis--- Financial Leverage, BEP and Margin of safety as a part of reducing the risk of trading loss
Marketing management---Importance of pricing. Advertising & promotion, franchising in marketing ; Customer Relationship Management (CRM0 ;Marketing of services—other environmental factors
Production Management: Key results area of control, Inventory management, Productivity , Total Quality Control concept in small business
Human Resource Management :Importance of of HRM & HRD in small business, Outlines of Industrial Relations, Labour Laws, Environment & Pollution control measures ; Financial success through people
Emerging issues & challenges:Technology upgradation, Competitive Strength,Quality improvement, Feasibility of export of small business product
1. Charantimath M Purnima, Entrepreneurship Development Small Business Enterprises, Pearson Education
Additional Readings:
1. Hisrich D Robert, Peters P Michael & Sheperd A Dean—Entrepreneurship, Tata McGraw-Hill.
2. Lall Madhurima & Sahai Shikha , Entrepreneurship, Excel Books