1.Law of Contract: Definition and nature of a contract
2.Offer and Acceptance, Consideration consent, and capacity of parties
4.Performance and discharge of contract, Breach of contract
5.Concept of Agency and various types of mercantile agents
6. Brief introduction of topics- Bailment & Pledge ,Indemnity & Guarantee, Quasi
7.Law of Partnership: Definition and nature of partnership, rights and duties of a partner. Dissolution of a partnership
8.Law of Sale of Goods: Definition of Sales, essentials for contract of sale. Meaning of conditions and warranties
9.Transfer of Ownership. Rights of Unpaid seller and other remedial measures.
10. Negotiable Instruments Act 1881: Definition of negotiable instrument and types
11. Parties to negotiable instruments, discharge of parties from liability
12. Dishonour of a negotiable instrument and bouncing of cheques
13. Law of Insurance: Definition and elements of insurance contract, premium and reinsurance.
14. Basic idea about life, fire and marine insurance.
Text Book(s):
1. Kapoor, N.D, Mercantile Law, Sultan Chand and Sons.
Additional Readings:
1. Chapter 5, Free Consent, Tulsian , PC, Business Laws, Tata McGraw Hills.
2. chapter 12, indeminity & Guarantee, Tulsian , PC, Business Laws, Tata McGraw Hills.