1.Quantitative techniques for managers: Quantitative decision making and its overview. The nature of mathematical economics: mathematical verses non-mathematical economics; mathematical economics verses econometrics.
2.Sequence and series, Arithmetic Progression (AP)-Def; Sum of ‘n’ terms of AP; Arithmetic mean(AM),Terms of AP, Business, Application of AP series, AM between two numbers; ’n’ AM’s between two numbers.
3.Geometric Progression (GP)-Def; Sum of ‘n’ terms of GP, Infinite GP series, Recurring decimal numbers, Geometric mean(GM), terms of GP, GM between two numbers; ‘n’ GM between two numbers; ‘n’ GM’s between two numbers, Business application of GP series.
4.Equations, inequations and identities.
5.Concepts of sets: Set notation, relationship, operations and law of set operation. Equations: Linear, quadratic and simultaneous equations.
6.Matrix Algebra introduction; matrix equations using excel. Inverse matrix and its applications; application to markets and national income models.
7.Concept of derivatives: the devices and slope of a curve, finding MR and AR; different elasticities. Use of derivatives in optimization technique(Maxima and Minima)
8.Introduction to statistics: Definition, types of statistical methods, importance and scope; types and classification of data.
9.Measure of central tendency; mean, median, mode, GM, HM and their inter-relationships.
10.Measure of dispersion; significance of measuring dispersion(variation).,Classification, Standard Deviation.(Using Excel), meaning and significance of skew-ness, and kurtosis.(Using Excel)
11.Correlation analysis: significance, types, And methods: Karl Pearson, Rank, PE. and SE of correlation, co-efficient of determination.(Using Excel, SPSS)
12.Regression analysis: Introduction ,significance, types, assumptions ,methods: deviation method.(Using SPSS) , Standard error
I3.Introduction to probability: concepts; definition, additive and multiplicative law.
14.Index Numbers: types, characteristics and uses; Un-weighted and weighted index numbers, test of adequacy: chain index and their applications: consumer price index
15.Forecasting and time series analysis: decomposition models; smoothing methods, trend projection methods, measurement of seasonal effects: Seasonal index, ratio to trend, Ratio to moving average, Link relative method
Chiang, Alpha C., Wainwright, Kevin,” Fundamental methods of mathematical Economics”, McGraw Hill, 2005
Shanchiti Kapoor, “Business Mathematics” Sultan Chand, 2008