Functions, Types of functions, limit and continuity, Elementary differential, Partial differential (first order and
second Order), Theory of Maxima and minima for single and two variables, Business applications of differential, Matrices
and determinants, solution of simultaneous linear equation up to 3 variables.
Statistics: Meaning and Applications of Statistics in business decision making and research. Collection, Tabulation and
presentation of data.
Measures of central tendency: Mean, Median and Mode. Measures of dispersion.
Correlation: Karl Pearson’s coefficient of correlation, Rank, Probable error and coefficient of determination.
Regression Analysis: Regression Lines, Equations and Coefficients.
Analysis of Time Series and Business Forecasting: Components, Moving Averages, Exponential smoothing and Least
Squares Method.
Index numbers: Simple and Weighted, WPI and CPI.
Elementary Probability Theory. Normal, Binomial and Poisson Distribution. Elementary Sampling Theory, Estimation
Theory, Hypotheses, Large and small samples
Text Books:
1. Kapoor, V. K, Sancheti, D.C, Business Mathemetics.
2. Levin Richard I. & Rubin, David S, Statistics for Management, Prentice Hall Of India, New Delhi.
3. Gupta S.P Gupta M P, Business Statistics, Sultan Chand.
Reference Books:
1. Bhardwaj, R.S, Mathemetics for Economics and Business.
2. Terry, Sineich, Business Statistics by Examples, Collier McMillan Publisher.
3. Gupta S.P, Statistical Methods, Sultan Chand.
Functions, Types of functions, limit and continuity, Elementary differential, Partial differential (first order and
second Order), Theory of Maxima and minima for single and two variables, Business applications of differential, Matrices
and determinants, solution of simultaneous linear equation up to 3 variables.
Statistics: Meaning and Applications of Statistics in business decision making and research. Collection, Tabulation and
presentation of data.
Measures of central tendency: Mean, Median and Mode. Measures of dispersion.
Correlation: Karl Pearson’s coefficient of correlation, Rank, Probable error and coefficient of determination.
Regression Analysis: Regression Lines, Equations and Coefficients.
Analysis of Time Series and Business Forecasting: Components, Moving Averages, Exponential smoothing and Least
Squares Method.
Index numbers: Simple and Weighted, WPI and CPI.
Elementary Probability Theory. Normal, Binomial and Poisson Distribution. Elementary Sampling Theory, Estimation
Theory, Hypotheses, Large and small samples
Text Books:
1. Kapoor, V. K, Sancheti, D.C, Business Mathemetics.
2. Levin Richard I. & Rubin, David S, Statistics for Management, Prentice Hall Of India, New Delhi.
3. Gupta S.P Gupta M P, Business Statistics, Sultan Chand.
Reference Books:
1. Bhardwaj, R.S, Mathemetics for Economics and Business.
2. Terry, Sineich, Business Statistics by Examples, Collier McMillan Publisher.
3. Gupta S.P, Statistical Methods, Sultan Chand.
Disclaimer: The syllabus are subject to continual changes.Some of the content may have been changed.