Foundations of Organisational Behaviour: - The nature and determinants of organisational behaviour , Roles & Functions of Managers & need for knowledge of OB, contributing disciplines to the field , Models of Organisational Behaviour.
Individual Behaviour : Biographical characteristics , Ability, Learning.
Values, attitudes & Job satisfaction
Personality , Myers Briggs Type Indicator, Emotions
Perception & Individual Decision Making
Work Motivation : Early Theories (Mc. Gregor’s Theory X & Y , Abraham Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory , Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory) & Contemporary Theories (Mc. Clelland’s 3 Needs Theory , Alderfer’s ERG Theory , Adam’s Equity Theory & Vroom’s Expectancy Theory, Goal Setting Theory) & Application of Motivation Theories.
Group Behaviour : Types of Groups, Stages of Group Development, Group Decision Making,
Understanding Teamwork : Types of Teams, Creating Effective teams, Role of Emotional Intelligence in team work
Current issues in organizational communication
Leadership : Basic Approaches (Trait Theories, Behavioural Theories & Contingency Theories) & Contemporary Issues in Leadership.
Transactional Analysis, conflict , power and politics.
Organisational System : Elements of Organisational Structure, Organisational Designs ,Organisation culture , Organisational Change & Stress Management.
Foundations of Organisational Behaviour: - The nature and determinants of organisational behaviour , Roles & Functions of Managers & need for knowledge of OB, contributing disciplines to the field , Models of Organisational Behaviour.
Individual Behaviour : Biographical characteristics , Ability, Learning.
Values, attitudes & Job satisfaction
Personality , Myers Briggs Type Indicator, Emotions
Perception & Individual Decision Making
Work Motivation : Early Theories (Mc. Gregor’s Theory X & Y , Abraham Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory , Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory) & Contemporary Theories (Mc. Clelland’s 3 Needs Theory , Alderfer’s ERG Theory , Adam’s Equity Theory & Vroom’s Expectancy Theory, Goal Setting Theory) & Application of Motivation Theories.
Group Behaviour : Types of Groups, Stages of Group Development, Group Decision Making,
Understanding Teamwork : Types of Teams, Creating Effective teams, Role of Emotional Intelligence in team work
Current issues in organizational communication
Leadership : Basic Approaches (Trait Theories, Behavioural Theories & Contingency Theories) & Contemporary Issues in Leadership.
Transactional Analysis, conflict , power and politics.
Organisational System : Elements of Organisational Structure, Organisational Designs ,Organisation culture , Organisational Change & Stress Management.
Text Books:
1. Robbins S P & Sanghi Seema , Organization Behavior, Pearson Education
2. Ashwathappa K, Organization Behaviour, Himalaya Publishers
Reference Books:
1. Luthans F, Organization Behavior, McGraw Hill.
2. Stoner J etc, Management 6th ed, Prentice Hall of India.
3. Koontz H and Wechrich, Management 10th ed, McGraw Hill
1. Robbins S P & Sanghi Seema , Organization Behavior, Pearson Education
2. Ashwathappa K, Organization Behaviour, Himalaya Publishers
Reference Books:
1. Luthans F, Organization Behavior, McGraw Hill.
2. Stoner J etc, Management 6th ed, Prentice Hall of India.
3. Koontz H and Wechrich, Management 10th ed, McGraw Hill
Disclaimer: The syllabus are subject to continual changes.Some of the content may have been changed.