Professional communication:
Section A: (2 marks)
i. Define briefly what a report is?
ii. What is an inventory report?
iii. What do you understand by Referencing?
iv. Differentiate between a personal and business letter.
v. Why is it important to research an organization you want to join before you appear in the interview?
vi. What is CV?define and illustrate.
vii. Write short note on job analysis
viii. Differentiate between debate and group discussions.
ix. Describe briefly the role of Presidents in meeting.
x. What are differences between solicited and unsolicited proposals?
Section B: (5 marks)
i. What are the parts of a report?
ii. How should you outline the material preparatory to writing a report?
iii. What is the significance of “style” in report writing
iv. What is ABC of technical communication
v. What are various elements ot technical article
vi. What are pre-interview techniques.
vii. What are different types of interview questions?
viii. How can you project a positive image during a job interview?
ix. What are the characteristics of a successful GD?
x. What are some pitfalls in a GD?
xi. “A candidate’s success in a GD will depend not only on his/her subject knowledge and oral skills but also on his/her ability to provide leadership to the group”-discuss.
xii. Write a note on technical proposals.
Section C: (10 marks)
i. Discuss different types of reports?
ii. How do organizations make a periodic evaluation of the performance and general conduct of their employees?Discuss with illustrations.
iii. Assume that you are the manager of a nationalized bank and that you have to dishonour a cheque of Rs.2100/- only drawn on your bank by a very good customer of yours because there is already an overdraft of Rs.3000/-in his account.Draft a tactful and polite letter to him.
iv. Write a letter of application along with your resume in response to the following advertisement:
“A large company having foreign collaboration requires salesmen.candidates should be graduates with about two years selling experience age should not exceed 28 years bright prospects for the right men.Apply within two weeks to P.O box no.3214,New delhi-11001.”
v. What are the major areas of evaluation of candidates for job selection or admission to professional courses on the basis of GD?
vi. What is the significance and function of Notice, agenda and Minutes in a meeting?
Disclaimer: Questions posted from previous year question papers.Mistakes are not ruled out.Refer Library for correct format and case studies.These questions are posted to give students a feel and idea of real examination,there will be no liability on the part of author if any or some of these questions are repeated in future examinations.