Syllabus for Theories and functions of Management
Course instructor:Kanwal Gurleen
1. Management: Definition, nature, purpose and scope of management, Skills and roles of a Manager, Functions, principles;, Management by objectives Management by exception
2 Planning: Types of plans, planning process, Characteristics of planning, Strategic Management, premising and forecasting; Decision-Making: Process, Simon’s model of decision making, creative problem solving, group decision making
3 Organizing – Organizational design and structure, Coordination, differentiation and integration, centralization and de-centralization, Delegation, Authority & power - concept & distinction, Line and staff organizations.
4.Leading:Human factors and motivation,leadership,communication,teams and team work
5.Staffing:human resource management and selection,performance appraisal and career strategy,managing change.
6.Controlling:Concept,planning-control relationship,process of control,types of control,control techniques.
1. Robbins,S.P.and Mary Coulter, Management, Prentice Hall India
2. Robbins S P & Seema Sanghi, Organization Behavior, Pearson Education
Additional Readings:
1. Koontz, Harold and Weihrich,Heinz, Essentials of Management, Tata McGraw Hill.
2. Luthans F, Organization Behavior, McGraw Hill